The advantages of learning Python

João Gustavo
Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2021


Source: Pense em TI

Python is a very versatile, high-level programming language. Developed by Dutch mathematician Guido van Rossum, the language is now part of a community development model, managed by the non-profit organization Python Software Foundation. It supports both object-oriented and structured programming.

Launched in the early 1990s, the language has gained increasing notoriety in recent years, becoming one of the most popular among programmers, especially for its functionality with data, big data, and artificial intelligence.

With Python, you can access native libraries that provide functionality for developing projects and implementing complex applications. The technology is present in the code of Instagram, Netflix, Spotify, Reddit, Facebook, Google and many others.

This is You before Python

Reasons to Learn Python

From now on I will convince you to learn Python. To do this I will show you the biggest advantages of Python and why it is one of the fastest growing languages in recent years.

  1. One of the biggest advantages of programming in Python is the ease with which you can learn the language. You can apply programming logic directly to the code, and this is one of the reasons why major US universities have invested in teaching programming in Python.
  2. There are not many developers in the market, knowing python is a tie-breaker, after all this knowledge is highly valued by companies. Be different, learn Python.
  3. Python requires less code for basic tasks when compared to other programming standards, and can be 3 to 5 times less than Java — and 5 to 10 times less than C++ code. So the less coding, the less chance of making mistakes, especially for those who are just beginners.
  4. Python is cross-platform. There are several systems that run Python, some natively and others that require installation. Windows, MacOs, Linux Distributions, Solaris, Unix and even FreeBSD are some of the systems that can run Python programs.
Comparison between Java and Python. Source: Python Scripts

It is also widely used in Data Science, so let me introduce you to some reasons why it is such a popular language among Data Scientists.

Python for Data Science

This is a polemic theme, other programming languages can be used for the same purpose. So, the Data Scientist is free to choose the one he prefers.

  1. Python is one of the most used languages among programmers and projects, this makes it a language with a Large Community. This community, can help you find solutions to your coding or even help you get answers from your analysis.
  2. One of the reasons Python is the most popular among Data Scientists, is the number of libraries provided, such as Pandas, NumPy, SymPy and Others. Are all dedicated to algorithm development, data collection and analysis.
  3. Python also can be used to Scripting and Automation. A python script can automate different tasks that the time spent, saving energy and even money in some cases.

Where to learn Python?

Now that you know some advantages of Python, how about learning the basics?

Put it into the practice and in time you will even be able to automate those boring tasks at work, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if it brings you a better job.

Here are some recommended courses for you to learn python:

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

Welcome to the Django

You after Python. Source: XKCD

If you want to know more about python, go to and take a look at the documentation, there you will find everything about the language.

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